Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I am an avid lover of crafting- scrapbooking, sewing, stickers, collaging, you name it. So imagine my delight in finding fun crafts for my two girls!
A trip to the dollar store can turn into a discovery zone into your brain. Markers, paper plates, brown paper bags, toothpicks, coloring books, pipe-cleaners, glitter, popsicle sticks...the items go on and on! You don't even need to know what you want to create. Having some of these supplies on hand can save you on any day, rain or shine.
Every child needs to express themselves, and every child enjoys making (what they think is) messes. But don't fear! Your crafting times don't need to be messy. Here's one idea you can replicate with your creative crafter.

Paper-plate puppets!(You can create any animal you want, but we made a sea turtle)

What you will need: 2 paper plates, stapler, glue, coloring utensils, various materials to decorate

-First, have your little one decorate both paper plates (the 'upside down' side).
-Then help them cut out a head, four legs, and a tail.
-Staple head, legs, and tail in place (let them point out where they should go!) and then staple both plates together, saving a space for them to fit their hand in.
-When the decorating is complete, don't forget to give your new friend a name!

You can talk about sea turtles and where they live and what they eat. There's also a cute poem you can teach them. Have fun!

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