Sunday, March 21, 2010

Starting Your New Gig

So you've landed it: the nanny job. You are now a family's official helper. There are many challenges that may come with starting your new position and here are some tips to ease you in.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nannies On the Go: Keep That Hair Fresh!

Being a nanny is tiring. It's also difficult to maintain looking fresh and modern especially if you aren't getting enough sleep. I usually shower at night because I love to have the extra minutes in the morning. But sometimes, washing my hair in the evening leaves my morning hair something to be desired. Sound familiar? Then never fear! Dry shampoo is here!

Friday, March 19, 2010

If the Shoe Doesn't Fit

In New York City, walking around is a must. With two kids, I walk pretty much everywhere, sometimes pushing a stroller with both in tow. Good for my muscles, bad for my feet. Here's what you need to know about your foot health...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Snacks Everyone Will Love

Having trouble finding healthy snacks that the kids (and parents) will love to eat? Well, look no further. Here are some great ideas for easy snacks even you won't be able to resist eating! You may even be able to recruit an assistant! (Perfect time to bond!)

March is National Craft Month! might be the only thing I need to say here. But it definitely isn't!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Coffee Break

Iced coffee season is upon us and, if you're like me, you need some, especially in the morning. I need coffee basically all the time. (my proud father) But since the warmer weather is starting to creep in, I opt for the iced version of the pick-me-up. However, I hate when the ice in the coffee melts. It makes it watery and no longer satisfying.

Here's a tip that's two-fold:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chalk Spinners!

Warmer weather means fun outdoor toys! Today we tried Crayola's new 3D chalk and their new chalk Spinners. The 3D chalk isn't all it's cracked up to be, but I thought the Spinners were pretty fun!

Kids will love to express themselves outdoors with this fun activity and I guarantee you'll like it too! The kit comes with 2 spinners, chalk, a sharpener, and a spinner-release. Wind it up and let it spin you a beautiful design!


I am an avid lover of crafting- scrapbooking, sewing, stickers, collaging, you name it. So imagine my delight in finding fun crafts for my two girls!
A trip to the dollar store can turn into a discovery zone into your brain. Markers, paper plates, brown paper bags, toothpicks, coloring books, pipe-cleaners, glitter, popsicle sticks...the items go on and on! You don't even need to know what you want to create. Having some of these supplies on hand can save you on any day, rain or shine.
Every child needs to express themselves, and every child enjoys making (what they think is) messes. But don't fear! Your crafting times don't need to be messy. Here's one idea you can replicate with your creative crafter.

Take a Class!

I am fortunate to be looking after two very spirited, very different little girls. One, C, is 4 1/2 and the other, S, is 2. I am also fortunate in the fact that their parents want them to get the most out of their childhood and the city in which they live. Both girls take various classes: C has soccer, gymnastics, swimming, and piano. S takes music, cooking and goes to a play group at the family's church.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Finding a Partner in Crime

I had been getting along pretty well on my own...casually meeting new friends at the park and interacting with people in our classes. But I wasn't really connecting with any parent/nanny or child. And neither was S.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Getting Started--Welcome!

When I first got this idea, a blog about being a nanny, I hadn't done any research. I knew there probably had to be several of such blogs, even ones specific to New York City. (there are) However, I also knew that being a unique and creative individual, I was bound to come up with things special to my nanny blog. And that's another thing--- People in my profession seem to be on the fence about what they like to be called: Nanny, Care-giver, Friend, Babysitter, etc. I'm deciding for the remainder of this entire blog I am comfortable with the title "nanny" and will hence refer to myself and others as such.
Not being a veteran, I knew I couldn't offer a lot of experience advice. (I definitely call my mom all the time for advice) I'm a young woman who loves children. I'm also a young woman who loves to play and create and laugh--much like the two girls I care for. I suppose it's not a rarity to come across other such young people who are nannies, yet, when I find nannies who are in my age bracket, they seem to either not care as much as I do, or feel as if their resources are lacking. It's a lot of responsibility to care for other people's children. It's also a lot of responsibility to find fun, engaging activities and outings that are safe and relatively easy to execute.
Knowing all of this, with the limited background I have, I came up with my own niche. Not advice, but "tips" and not solutions, but "ideas" as to how to improve and accentuate your nanny experience, as I discover my own.
So, welcome! Stay tuned and best of luck becoming the nanny of your client's dreams.